New Preprint! Assembly and seasonality of core phyllosphere microbiota on perennial biofuel crops
Keara, Jackson, Nejc, and Ashley have a new preprint out this week on the biorxiv! Here's the link. Assembly and seasonality of core...
New Preprint: Targeting microbial arsenic resistance genes: a new bioinformatic toolkit informs arse
Taylor, Susanna, and Ashley have a new preprint out on the biorxiv this week! Here's the link. Targeting microbial arsenic resistance...

Shade Lab Receives Grant
We're thrilled to share that we've received funding with Sheng Yang He's from the National Science Foundation to understand how different...

Meet our New Rotating Students
Welcome Hunter Dulay, Kati Ford, and Rose Kithan! Hunter is a graduate student in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and is interested...
New Preprint: 16S rRNA:rDNA ratios aren't all that bad (for understanding activity dynamics)!
Alan, Pat, and Ashley have a new pre-print out and about on the bioRxiv- comments welcome! 16S rRNA:rDNA ratios and cell activity...
Another New Preprint! Understanding the genomic locations of antibiotic resistance genes
Taylor and Ashley, with collaborators Adina and Jin at Iowa State, have a new pre-print out on the bioRXiv this week. RefSoil+: A...
New article published in TREE!
We had a new article published in TREE. It's called Macroecology to Unite All Life, Large and Small by Ashley Shade, Robert R. Dunn,...