ShadeLab paper by Nejc short-listed for ISMEJ paper of the year 2021
We're excited to learn that Nejc Stopnisek's formidable paper on the common bean microbiome is on the short-list for the ISMEJ paper of...
Open Post-doc Position with the GLBRC
The Bonito, Shade, and Evans labs are hiring a new post-doctoral scholar to integrate across microbiome projects within the...
Thanks to CANR for their coverage of the plant microbiome
The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources has released a meaty Futures issue article about what we can do about plant health and...
Preprint Update
ShadeLab has provided a revision of our previous preprint: Prioritizing persistent microbiome members in the common bean rhizosphere: an...
Preprint: Pilot study: Seed microbiome modification after maternal plant stress
Fina, Pat, Abby and Ashley have a new preprint out describing the results of our Plant Resilience Institute supported pilot study that...
Fina's new pub out on microbiome co-occurrence networks in the apple root zone
Fina Bintarti, a ShadeLab Ph.D. student in Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, has published her first lead-author ShadeLab...

Oishi wins a summer LTER fellowship!
Many congratulations to #ShadeLab second-year MMG grad student Oishi Bagchi on winning a summer fellowship from the Long Term Ecological...

Welcome to Marco!
ShadeLab welcomes new Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center Keegstra Post-doctoral Fellow, Dr. Marco Mechan-Llontop to the team! Marco...
Collaborative monkey flower microbiome paper published in Phytobiomes!
Dr. Alan Bowsher, a recent ShadeLab post-doc with the Plant Resilience Institute, has lead a collaborative paper with the David Lowry Lab...