Fina's new pub out on microbiome co-occurrence networks in the apple root zone
Fina Bintarti, a ShadeLab Ph.D. student in Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, has published her first lead-author ShadeLab...
Jackson's new paper is out: dormancy, dispersal and resilience
The final chapter of MMG graduate Jackson Sorensen's dissertation has been published online today in a special issue of Philosophical...
Collaborative monkey flower microbiome paper published in Phytobiomes!
Dr. Alan Bowsher, a recent ShadeLab post-doc with the Plant Resilience Institute, has lead a collaborative paper with the David Lowry Lab...
New pub: Assembly of the switchgrass and miscanthus leaf microbiome
The ShadeLab has a new manuscript published today in Nature Communications! Title: Assembly and seasonality of core phyllosphere...
New paper: 16S rRNA: rRNA gene ratios and active cell staining in root-associated soils
Congrats to ShadeLab and Plant Resilience Institute post-doc Dr. Alan Bowsher for his latest publication! Title: 16S rRNA:rRNA gene...
New paper out and about: An ecological perspective on human infant gut microbiome assembly
Post-doc John Guittar, Ashley, and John's co-advisor at Michigan State's Kellogg Biological Station Elena Litchman have a new publication...
New article published in TREE!
We had a new article published in TREE. It's called Macroecology to Unite All Life, Large and Small by Ashley Shade, Robert R. Dunn,...
Microbiome stability in a changing world
Thanks to the American Society for Microbiology journal mSystems for producing a special issue of perspectives authored by early...
Taylor's latest publication!
We are pleased to announce the publication of ShadeLab MMG/Toxicology graduate student Taylor Dunivin's latest work. After presenting at...

Celebrate Taylor's new pub!
We are pleased to celebrate Taylor Dunivin's first ShadeLab paper, published today in the journal PLoS One! Taylor is a ShadeLab PhD...