We've moved!
Shade and Dufour Labs have been growing! We've moved into a bigger space down the corridor to BPS 6144/6150. Shipping address is still...

Welcome to Marco!
ShadeLab welcomes new Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center Keegstra Post-doctoral Fellow, Dr. Marco Mechan-Llontop to the team! Marco...

ShadeLab group photo
Fall Semester 2019!

Welcome to Professor Eliana Guedes-Stehling
#ShadeLab warmly welcomes Professor Eliana Guedes-Stehling to join us for her 10-month sabbatical at Michigan State! Eliana is a...

We'll miss you, Jacqueline!
We wish our summer student, Jacqueline Carroll, so long! She's been so awesome working with Fina on bean microbiomes!

We have a new #ShadeLab member!
We are excited to share that BMS student Oishi Bagchi has officially joined ShadeLab! Welcome, Oishi!

Welcome, summer students!
Welcome to undergraduate summer students John Higgins and Jacqueline Carroll! John H is a Michigan State student and Jacqueline hails...

Introducing BMS rotation student Oishi Bagchi
ShadeLab welcomes Oishi Bagchi as a rotation student from the Biomolecular Sciences training program. Oishi is a Michigan State MMG...

Announcing Dr. Taylor Dunivin
MMG/Toxicology Ph.D. student Taylor Dunivin has successfully defended her dissertation! A celebration ensues! There are great...

Welcome Keean!
We are happy to have Keean Dolan as a new undergraduate researcher in the lab. Keean is working with rhizosphere isolates from switchgrass.