Registration open for the Plant Resilience Institute Symposium
The Plant Resilience Institute at Michigan State is hosting a free symposium on Dimensions of Plant Resilience (link to registration),...

Keara at the DOE Site review for the GLBRC
Keara is traveling to Madison, WI this week to represent ShadeLab's Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center work for the DOE site review! ...
Join us for a NSF sponsored Microbiome workshop
Ashley is co-organizing a NSF-Sponsored Microbiome Workshop Dec 8-10 with Linda Kinkel et al. There will be virtual participation...
Nejc travels to the APS meeting
Nejc is representing #ShadeLab at the American Pathological Society meeting today in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is attending a workshop on the...

Ashley at the GRC on Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Ashley just returned from the 2019 Gordon Research Conference on Applied and Environmental Microbiology! Thanks to the organizers for a...

Plant Resilience Institute Advisory Board Meeting
ShadeLab members were out in full force to share their research with the members of the Plant Resilience Institute Scientific Advisory...
ShadeLab in SanFrancisco this week
Ashley, Keara, and John are attending some great DOE meetings in San Fransisco this week! Come say hi and chat us up about Science! The...
See you at Penn State Phytobiomes Meeting
This week, Ashley, Nejc, and Fina are traveling to the Penn State Phytobiomes meeting! Ashley will be speaking about rhizosphere...
Jackson presents at mid-Michigan ASM meeting
Grad student Jackson Sorensen is presenting a poster of his analysis of Centralia metagenomes at the Mid-Michigan Branch meeting of the...
John C presents at DOE Genomic Sciences Meeting
Shade Lab graduate student John Chodkowski is at the Department of Energy Genomic Sciences Meeting this week, representing our lab's work...