Ashley presents at CIMM
This week, Ashley is in San Diego to present her work on Microbiome Resilience at the UCSD's Center for Microbiome Innovation's...
ShadeLab at PNNL MultiOmics for Microbiomes
Ashley and John C are traveling to Washington state this week for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Multi-omics for Microbiomes...
Congratulations to John and Fina
MMG graduate student John Chodkowski and PSM graduate student Fina Bintarti have both won college travel awards to attend upcoming...
ShadeLab at UURAF
Congrats to ShadeLab undergrads Blake Bezemek, Joanna Colovas and Morgan Fleck for their successful MSU UURAF poster presentations today!...
ShadeLab at ESA meeting in New Orleans
Phytohormones can resuscitate dormant environmental bacteria ... Tuesday, August 7, 2018: 8:20 AM 346-347, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial...
Jackson presents at mid-Michigan ASM meeting
Grad student Jackson Sorensen is presenting a poster of his analysis of Centralia metagenomes at the Mid-Michigan Branch meeting of the...