Outreach event! Microbe World at the nature center
MMG Grad Student Jackson went out to the Fenner Nature Center "Micro World" Day Camp, where 3rd through 5th graders learn about the...
New preprint: core microbiome of common bean
And there's another #ShadeLab pre-print on the loose! Check out this bioegoegraphy study by post-doc Nejc Stopnisek, working with the...
New preprint: dormancy dynamics, dispersal, and resilience
We have a new preprint! MMG grad student Jackson designed a mesocosm experiment to assess the contributions of dormancy dynamics and...

Welcome to Professor Eliana Guedes-Stehling
#ShadeLab warmly welcomes Professor Eliana Guedes-Stehling to join us for her 10-month sabbatical at Michigan State! Eliana is a...
Nejc travels to the APS meeting
Nejc is representing #ShadeLab at the American Pathological Society meeting today in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is attending a workshop on the...