A new system for synthetic microbial community experiments
Congratulations to ShadeLab graduate student John Chodkowski! Not only has he passed his prelim with flying colors, but also his first...
Seed microbiome diversity, transmission, and assembly
Our new piece on the microbiome of seeds is available online early at Current Opinion in Microbiology! This piece is the result of a...

New paper online early at ISMEJ!
ShadeLab has published a new paper, available online early at the ISME Journal this month! Post-doc Sang-Hoon Lee and graduate student...
"Lifestyles of rarity" published at AME
Ashley and Ryan Newton (UW-Milwaukee)'s new perspective piece on rare lifestyles and heterotrophic strategies is now published online at...
Centralia diversity Preprint available on PeerJ
ShadeLab is pleased to share a new preprint available on PeerJ! The paper, "Stochastic extremes but convergent recovery of bacterial and...
New paper published in ISMEJ
A collaborative paper with the McMahon lab at UW-Madison, JGI, and Uppsala University has been published in the ISME Journal (Nature...
Workflows for computing in biology
Ashley and Tracy K Teal have a new publication out TODAY in PLoS Biology! http://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal...

New ShadeLab article: Temporal patterns of rarity provide a more complete view of microbial diversit
Announcing a new opinion piece from the Shade Lab, available online early at Trends in Microbiology. Highlights Conditionally rare taxa...
ebook published: The Causes and Consequences of Microbial Community Structure
We are pleased to announce the publication of our e-book, The Causes and Consequences of Microbial Community Structure. The book is a...
New editorial in Frontiers in Microbiology Special Issue
We are pleased to announce the publication of our new editorial: When, where and how does microbial community composition matter? by D...