Congrats to MMG ShadeLab award winners!
ShadeLab trainees were rockin it at the MMG awards ceremony this year! Congratulations to our undergraduates: Blake Bezemek for earning...
NSF-funded post-doc position open
Exciting news: We have an opening for a 2-y postdoc in plant-microbiome resilience - start date as early as June 1. This position will...
Centralia microbial ecology featured in Quanta magazine
Quanta magazine published a piece on microbial "seed banks" or pools of dormant organisms, and included reference to our work in Centralia!

Live Sketch #JGI2019
Thanks Callie Chappell @eco_genome for live sketching Ashley's #jgi2019 talk!
ESA Early Career Fellow
Ashley is an Ecological Society for America Early Career Fellow 2019-2023! ESA Press release here. MSU Press release is here.
ShadeLab at UURAF
Congrats to ShadeLab undergrads Blake Bezemek, Joanna Colovas and Morgan Fleck for their successful MSU UURAF poster presentations today!...
New paper: 16S rRNA: rRNA gene ratios and active cell staining in root-associated soils
Congrats to ShadeLab and Plant Resilience Institute post-doc Dr. Alan Bowsher for his latest publication! Title: 16S rRNA:rRNA gene...

Centralia research featured on the Verge
Our research in Centralia has been covered by the Verge! Check out their masterfully produced video of their excursion to Centralia to...
ShadeLab in SanFrancisco this week
Ashley, Keara, and John are attending some great DOE meetings in San Fransisco this week! Come say hi and chat us up about Science! The...