Deadline extended for submissions to special issue of Phytobiomes on Bioenergy Crops and Agroecosyst
Ashley is co-guest editing a focus issue of the journal Phytobiomes on Bioenergy crops and Agroecosystems. The deadline for submissions...

Welcome to Sreejata and Jian!
ShadeLab welcomes new post-doctoral associate Dr. Sreejata Bandopadhyay and visiting scholar Professor Jian Hu. Sreejata received her...
Now accepting applications for the Keegsta Post-doctoral Fellowship
ShadeLab has a new post-doctoral fellowship position open with the Great Lakes Bioenegy Research Center. We are accepting applications...
New pub: Assembly of the switchgrass and miscanthus leaf microbiome
The ShadeLab has a new manuscript published today in Nature Communications! Title: Assembly and seasonality of core phyllosphere...
Ashley to Virginia Tech for EEB Seminar
Ashley's visiting Virginia Tech for the Ecology, Evolution and Behavior seminar today, and she will be talking about microbiome...