Now accepting applications for the Keegsta Post-doctoral Fellowship
ShadeLab has a new post-doctoral fellowship position open with the Great Lakes Bioenegy Research Center. We are accepting applications now, and review will begin on October 1 and continue until the position is filled. Please apply at the MSU Careers website to posting number is 604790.
This is a position intended to foster independence and promote intellectual contribution of the fellow - it comes with a two years salary and research funds!
Position Summary
Michigan State University is one of the top institutions for research in both plant science and microbial ecology. We are seeking to fill a Research Associate (Postdoc) position with the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC) A Keegstra Postdoc position is available with a primary appointment in the research laboratory of Ashley Shade. The Shade lab is affiliated with the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and the Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences ( ).
We are seeking a qualified postdoc to conduct research to understand the drivers of the microbial communities that live associated with the bioenergy crop sorghum, and how these communities influence plant resilience to stress. Strong microbiology and molecular laboratory skills are expected, as well as demonstrated experience with bioinformatic and statistical analyses of microbial communities. The successful applicant will be independent, motivated, and able to work as part of a collaborative team. They will have strong writing and communication skills. Previous experience in conducting greenhouse or field experiments will be viewed favorably, as will a familiarity with ecological and evolutionary concepts.
Applicants must hold a PhD in microbiology, molecular biology, plant/soil biology, genomics/bioinformatics, ecology, or similar field.
The position will be located at Michigan State University, in the Shade lab, with strong collaboration and mentorship with the lab of John Mullet, at Texas A&M. The Shade Lab brings expertise in microbial ecology and the Mullet lab brings expertise in energy sorghum. We expect the postdoc to build an exciting and integrative new project.
The position is for up to two years, appointed yearly based on funding and performance, with an initial salary of $60,000/year, standard Michigan State University benefits, and also funds for research expenses and travel. Candidates must have received their PhD degree within three years of the start of this position and must not have been previously associated with the GLBRC. The postdoc is expected to take an active role in the GLBRC community, by facilitating integrative work and leading Center activities.
Required Degree
Doctorate -microbiology, molecular biology or related fields
Minimum Requirements
Applicants must hold a PhD in a field related to microbiology, molecular biology, plant/soil biology, genomics/bioinformatics, ecology, or similar field.
Desired Qualifications
Strong microbiology and molecular laboratory skills are expected, as well as demonstrated experience with bioinformatic and statistical analyses of microbial communities. The successful applicant will be independent, motivated, and able to work as part of a collaborative team. They will have strong writing and communication skills. Experience in conducting greenhouse or field experiments will be viewed favorably, as will a familiarity with ecological and evolutionary concepts.
Required Application Materials
Please submit a letter of research interests, current CV, and contact information for three references to the Careers@MSU website.
Special Instructions
Review of applications will begin immediately, and the position will remain open until filled.