Ashley presents at the Michigan State Plant Biotechnology Symposium
ShadeLab was happy to participate in this weekend's annual Plant Biotechnology Symposium at MIchigan State. The symposium is hosted by a...
ShadeLab @ Argonne Soils Metagenomics Meeting
Ashley and MMG graduate students Taylor Dunivin and Jackson Sorensen traveled to Naperville, IL for the 7th Annual Argonne Soil...
Ashley at GRC: Microbial Populations
Ashley is attending the Gordon Research Conference on Microbial Populations this week. She will present a talk about the consequences of...

ShadeLab attends University of Michigan Symposium
Members of the Shade Lab- Ashley, Siobhan, Taylor, Sang-Hoon, Jeong-Hoon, and Josh- traveled to Ann Arbor to attend the 11th Annual Early...

JGI Users Meeting 2015
Ashley attended the 2015 JGI Users Meeting in Walnut Creek, CA, and presented a poster with new data from the Centralia coal mine fire...

Microbial Ecology and Bioinformatics Workshop in Nanjing
Ashley is in Nanjing at the Microbial Ecology and Bioinformatics Workshop at the Chinese Institute of Soil Science, hosted by the...

Ashley attends NEON metagenomics workshop
Ashley is in Boulder, CO for the National Ecological Observatory Network's Advanced Analysis of Microbial Genomic Data Workshop from July...