Congratulations to Shade Lab MMG 2017 Awardees!
Shade Lab is pleased to recognize our 2017 Microbiology and Molecular Genetics awardees. Grad student Taylor Dunivin has been awarded a...
Seed microbiome diversity, transmission, and assembly
Our new piece on the microbiome of seeds is available online early at Current Opinion in Microbiology! This piece is the result of a...

Undergraduate Melissa Sleda presents GLBRC summer project at ASBMB
This week, Melissa Sleda, an undergraduate at Lawrence Technological University, is in Chicago at the American Society for Biochemistry...
Welcome, Nejc!
Dr. Nejc Stopnisek has joined the Shade Lab research group as part of the Plant Resilience Institute! He will be investigating...

New paper online early at ISMEJ!
ShadeLab has published a new paper, available online early at the ISME Journal this month! Post-doc Sang-Hoon Lee and graduate student...