Undergraduate Melissa Sleda presents GLBRC summer project at ASBMB

This week, Melissa Sleda, an undergraduate at Lawrence Technological University, is in Chicago at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology meeting. She is presenting results from her summer research project with the Shade Lab through the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center. During her 2016 summer internship, Melissa supported research to understand the seasonal dynamics of bioenergy crop phyllosphere and soil microbiome communities. Her work to curate an isolate collection from the switchgrass leaves was then continued into the fall semester by Shade Lab undergraduate assistants Ally Bennett and Keelyn O'Brien, who are also co-authors on the abstract.
A big thank you to Keara Grady for overseeing the GLBRC field efforts and for providing excellent laboratory mentorship to the GLBRC undergraduates!
Photo: Melissa with a goat at the Mooville Dairy, post-GLBRC field sampling in summer 2016. Photo by Keara Grady.