Congratulations to Shade Lab MMG 2017 Awardees!

Shade Lab is pleased to recognize our 2017 Microbiology and Molecular Genetics awardees.
Grad student Taylor Dunivin has been awarded a full fall graduate fellowship by the Ronald and Sharon Rogowski Fellowship for Food Safety and Toxicology!
"The Ronald M. and Sharon Rogowski Fellowship for Food Safety and Toxicology is a graduate fellowship that includes special emphasis on training in the food safety area."
Grad student Jackson Sorensen and undergraduate researcher Ally Bennett have been recognized with the Russell B DuVall Scholar Awards!
"The DuVall Awards were endowed by Russell B. DuVall and Dr. Dorothy DuVall to benefit worthy and capable students in the Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Department. Russell DuVall was a chemist who worked at Dow Chemical Co. and developed an interest, late in life, in both microbiology and in MSU. Dorothy DuVall, his sister, was a physician in the Midland area. Both DuValls lived in Mason, MI after their retirement. Generally two DuVall Awards are given annually to graduate students and to undergraduate students. Recipients are selected on the basis of professional goals, research initiative and financial need."
We also congratulate Shade lab past and current undergraduates: Melissa Sleda and Ally Bennet, who have been accepted to summer REU programs at Iowa State and Loyola University, respectively! We're so proud of our team!