Congrats to MMG ShadeLab award winners!
ShadeLab trainees were rockin it at the MMG awards ceremony this year! Congratulations to our undergraduates: Blake Bezemek for earning...
ESA Early Career Fellow
Ashley is an Ecological Society for America Early Career Fellow 2019-2023! ESA Press release here. MSU Press release is here.
ShadeLab featured on Michigan State's ICER Research Highlights video
Thanks SO MUCH to Adele @icermsu (Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research) for producing this beautiful video to highlight our #ShadeLab...
New paper out and about: An ecological perspective on human infant gut microbiome assembly
Post-doc John Guittar, Ashley, and John's co-advisor at Michigan State's Kellogg Biological Station Elena Litchman have a new publication...
Taylor is headed to Washington DC!
Graduate student Taylor Dunivin (MMG/Toxicology) was selected to be a 2019 Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate...
ShadeLab is awarded NSF CAREER
The ShadeLab has been awarded an NSF CAREER! This is so exciting! Thank you to the National Science Foundation for supporting our work!...
Congrats to John C!
We are happy to announce that John Chodkowski has passed his preliminary exam! He is now officially a dissertator! John's research...

Keelyn O'Brien is awarded ASM URF
ShadeLab undergraduate researcher Keelyn O'Brien has been awarded the prestigious American Society for Microbiology Undergraduate...

Congratulations to Shade Lab MMG 2017 Awardees!
Shade Lab is pleased to recognize our 2017 Microbiology and Molecular Genetics awardees. Grad student Taylor Dunivin has been awarded a...

New paper online early at ISMEJ!
ShadeLab has published a new paper, available online early at the ISME Journal this month! Post-doc Sang-Hoon Lee and graduate student...